Thames Valley Police: Increase in lead roof theft

We have seen an increase in the theft of lead from roofs, particulary schools and churches.

Please consider the following if you have a lead roof:

  • Security marking – marking the lead will make the crime less attractive and make it harder for the offenders to sell on. If you use a DNA marking solution i.e. SmartWater it can be traced back to the owner if recovered.
  • Keep gates locked and restrict vehicle access.
  • Maximise surveillance levels i.e. cutting back tall trees.
  • Encourage members of the local community to keep an eye on the building and report anything suspicious.
  • Remove things that might help thieves get access to the roof, like water butts, bins and tall trees.
  • Conduct regular checks of the roof so the theft is detected at the earliest possible time.
  • Apply anti-climb paint to drain pipes and guttering.
  • Install CCTV.

If you have any information relating to these crimes please call us on 101.

Posted in Thames Valley Alert.