Parish Council Elections Thursday 4th May 2023

Interested in becoming a Parish Councillor?


From the chairman

2023 marks the end of our four-yearly Parish Council cycle. The election for our parish and district councillors takes place on 4 May so we will have a new council to look after our community. So now is a good time to appeal to all those with ideas, passion and energy to make Dorchester the best possible place to live to consider putting your name forward for election to your parish council.

Diversity of opinion on a council is vital to represent the range of experiences we have in our different lives and also to offer a voice on the range of topics that come our way. And I know from the comments many of you offer me on a variety of subjects that there are people who would make a valuable contribution to the management of our environment and the amenities we have in the parish. So why not put your name forward and give yourself a real voice. The Parish Council is not political, we just do our best to gel the various aspects of village life together, working with our colleagues at SODC, OCC and other stakeholders in the village and its surrounds.

We will publicise the process for putting your name forward in a few weeks’ time on the village website, Facebook and posters. (See below, Parish Council Vacancies), for on-line sessions to find out more about what being a Parish Councillor entails.


The Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils ( ) has put together a one hour session which sets out the basics of being a councillor with the opportunity to ask questions as well. This will be invaluable information for anyone who is considering standing for election on Thursday 4th May.


The sessions are one hour long and there is no need to book, on:

    • 13th February 10-11am
    • 15th March 2-3pm

Zoom joining details:

Meeting ID: 871 2501 2109

Passcode: 386520

Dorchester-on-Thames Parish Council meets in the Village Hall every month on the second Wednesday of the month commencing at 7.30 p.m. Residents are always welcome to attend for the meeting or any part of it. The next three meetings are on 8th February, 8th March and 12th April.

Dorchester St. Birinus Primary School – January News

Our new spring term topics are well underway here in school and children are enjoying finding out about new things. Our younger children are looking at toys this term. They’ll be investigating stories with toys in and making some toys of their own. Years three and four are learning about the Rainforest and the creatures that live there. They will also be considering the impact of humans on the rainforests. Years five and six are learning about Natural Disasters this term including floods, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes.

We would like to say a huge thank you to anyone who bought books for our school from our Amazon wish list. We are enjoying using the books to help us increase our knowledge and understanding of the world. We really appreciate your kindness. If you would like to buy a book for school our wish list can be found at:

We enjoyed a lovely Christmas here in school. Highlights being a visit from Santa and a wonderful Nativity performance.

We have lots to look forward to in school and we are proud to be taking part in the NSPCC’s National Number Day in February to help raise much needed funds to support the vital work of the NSPCC. We have delivered assemblies devised by the NSPCC to help teach our children how to stay safe and know who they can talk to if they have any worries.

Our value focus this term is compassion. We are considering what it really means to be compassionate and are thinking of ways to show compassion to each other, ourselves and the environment. Our children are rising to the challenge admirably.

We run a breakfast club and an after-school club in addition to extra- curricular clubs such as a stories club, a science club, board games and gym. We have places available and if you would like to see what we could offer your child please give us a call to arrange a tour. You can find out more from our website here:

Jo Staples





The Village Playground – update

Children at our local school have been thinking about our village playground , and what they would like to see in the future. See the suggestions from one group below! High on their list was some ‘inclusive’ play equipment, which simply means equipment that any child can use whatever their ability. There was a strong feeling from the children that not enabling any child to get involved just wasn’t fair.

So, the Parish Council is looking at improvements to the playground, incorporating some inclusive equipment. A roundabout that can also be used by all kids including those in wheelchairs is top of the list. We are also trying to do one or two other alterations to update the playground and make it more interesting. We are currently talking to four different play companies to get their ideas. We are not looking at totally new playground, but we are hoping to update and improve what we have.

Another thing that we want to include in the project is some ‘green gym’ equipment for those of us who want to stay fit and active.

No final decisions have been taken as to the exact plan, or which company to go with.

We are a small village and the Parish Council does not have the money to fully fund this project, so we are busy applying for grants to help with the costs. We have already been awarded an SODC grant to start things off, thanks to our local councillor Robin Bennett, and we need more from various sources – but it is very competitive!

For more information do get in touch with me via Geoff Russell, our Parish Clerk;

Rob Ballantyne


Dorchester St. Birinus Primary School – December News

As our new school year is whizzing by, we have so much to look forward to.

The current value we are considering in school is that of ‘diversity’; thinking about how we celebrate our differences. We have our school council planning and running assemblies giving children with unusual hobbies and interests a chance to have their voices heard.

We have started learning songs ready for the BBC Radio Oxford carol service in the Abbey and we’re very much looking forward to being a part of this. Our younger children are also getting ready for their Christmas Nativity performance. We have parties, Christmas dinners, a panto trip and we’re hoping that we get a visit from the big man with a white beard and a red suit as well!
You will no doubt be aware of the tight budgets we have in school and Dorchester is no exception. Our PTA are doing a great job of fund raising and so far this year we have had a cake sale, a non-uniform day and a movie night. We are raising money to buy new non-fiction books and possibly some new more child friendly furniture in our library.

If you would like to donate a book to our school library as a Christmas gift, please see our Amazon wish list here:
Thank you!

We run a breakfast club and an after-school club. We have places available and if you would like to see what we could offer your child please give us a call to arrange a tour. You can find out more from our website here:

Finally, on behalf of everyone at school I would like to wish our wonderful community a peaceful, safe Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Jo Staples