Dorchester on Thames Golf Society

The DOGS are planning a full programme of golf outings and social events for 2022, as, hopefully, life returns to something like normality. For those of you who do not know us, we are a village-based group of socially-minded golfers who enjoy each other’s company and occasionally manage to get a little white ball in the hole.

We will be holding our AGM at The White Hart at 7.30 on Thursday February 24th, all existing members and any others who might like to join us are welcome to meet us and enjoy a libation or two afterwards.

Dorchester Pre-School Sponsored Walk

13th Feb 2022

Meet at the pre-school at 11am

Fancy dress: dress up as a farm animal (little or a lot). Prizes will be given for best dressed.

Dogs, picnics well welcome

Voluntary donation: £4 to enter per adult, £2 per child.

Pay at pre-school or COOP, or donate at this link

Special access to animals and farm experiences kindly provided by Bishops Court Farm

Parents, Grandparents, carers, supporters, villagers, anyone who loves Dorchester, please spread the word.


Bishops Court Farm

Bishops Court Farm have a presentation in the new farm café of the background and plans for the farm in the years ahead. If you cant attend one of the presentation sessions on Tuesday 8th Feb then pop along this week and look at the presentation and give you feedback

Dorchester Museum News – February 2022

Edith Stedman’s Yankee in an English Village – The Perfect Gift!

Edith Stedman, a retired American academic, visited Dorchester every summer for about 20 years. She contributed extensively to the Abbey and the village and set up the Museum. Reissued 50 years after its original publication, Edith’s charming and amusing account of life in Dorchester during the 1950s-1970s, with detailed explanatory notes by Margot Metcalfe. Beautifully illustrated with twelve pages of photos of Edith and the village during her time here. Price £9.99.

Available from the Wallingford Bookshop or Dorchester Co-op, or Dorchester Abbey Museum, via Linda Hender,11 Page Furlong, 01865 340032,

NB a few early copies of this book were faulty: if you bought your copy at the Historical Society meeting on 24 November or the Museum Xmas Shopping afternoon on 27 November, please check that it is complete. Faulty copies have omitted the new preface by Margot Metcalfe, or have this preface at the back only, or at both the back and front. Please return any faulty copies to Linda Hender (details above) to exchange for a new copy. Copies purchased after 27 November are printed correctly.