District Council – Winter Support Packages

Last week the government announced new measures to support businesses over the coming months as a result of the impact of Covid-19, and we’re making sure businesses in South and Vale are aware of what help is available to them and we’ve updated our Business Support website with more information. Here’s a quick summary of the headlines:

  • The Furlough Scheme will end. In its place and from the 1 November, the Job Support Scheme will protect viable jobs in businesses who are facing lower demand over the winter months due to Covid-19.
  • The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme extension will support viable traders who are facing reduced demand over the winter months, covering 20 per cent of average monthly trading profits via a government grant.
  • More than one million businesses that have borrowed under the Bounce Back Loan Scheme will be offered the choice of more time and greater flexibility for their repayments.
  • Lenders can offer Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme borrowers more time to make their repayments where needed.
  • The application deadline for all coronavirus loan schemes – including the future fund – has been extended to 30 November.
  • Businesses who deferred their VAT will no longer have to pay a lump sum at the end of March next year. They will have the option of splitting it into smaller, interest free payments over the course of 11 months. Self-assessed income taxpayers can also now extend their outstanding tax bill over 12 months from January.
  • The Government has extended the 15% VAT cut for the tourism and hospitality sectors to the end of March next year.

“Going Forward” Buses serving Dorchester Village

Going Forward Buses runs a local bus service through Dorchester Village to Wallingford on Mondays and to Didcot on Wednesdays. The service leaves the War Memorial at 10.28 on Mondays, returning from Wallingford Market Place at 11.48, and from the War Memorial at 09.38 on Wednesdays, returning from Didcot Orchard Centre Taxi Rank (close to M&S Simply Food and Starbucks) at 12.27. It picks up and sets down at all bus stops in the village, and the Didcot service also serves Tesco Extra, Aldi, Broadway and Didcot Parkway station. For full details please see service D1 on the website Going Forward Buses CIC or call 07484 605888. Concessionary passes are valid for free trvel on this service; othwrise the fare is £4 single (£2 for children up to 18). In line with current coronavirus guidelines you’ll need to wear a facemask when travelling.

More travel information can be found on our travel page

Covid 19

Some Covid-19 news from the Local Government Association

This is a post from the district council, but is still relevant.  Please install the app, and use it with local businesses where possible, to help ensure life can be as safe as possible for everyone.

The Government has recently announced that the NHS COVID-19 app that is currently being trialled will be launched on Thursday 24 September in England and Wales, following trials in Newham and on the Isle of Wight.

As the app will include the ability to check into venues through a QR code, we are encouraging businesses to ensure they have the NHS QR code posters displayed in a prominent place ahead of the launch. The app will allow contact tracers to track down customers in order to provide public health advice in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak. Businesses who are already using their own QR system are being encouraged to switch to the NHS Test and Trace QR code.

Venues must also have an alternative check-in method in place to collect the details of any visitors or customers without the app, for example a handwritten register.

Oxford science and ideas Festival goes digital

A recommendation from us!

Are you staying home this October? There’s a free science and ideas festival that’s online and open to anyone. Over 100 educational events 1— 31 October 2020 for people of all backgrounds explore technology, art, science and society using dance, theatre discussions, film clubs, hands-on activities and more.

Search, browse and filter to find your Festival favourites on: if-oxford.com

Families, teenagers and adults can connect from anywhere in the world to fuse the digital with physical and meet teams of scientists working on everything from the inner workings of the brain to the outer limits of space. One of the larger events Explorazone Digital is a full day of interactive experiments, games, demos and talks — register your place at Explorazone Digital now.

In these times of social distancing, IF Oxford has found ways to bring great ideas and activities to people during the pandemic, going beyond online activity. We co-produced a magazine in association with OX Magazine, which has been distributed to over 20,000 homes across Oxford — you can read it online or request a copy to be posted to you. We’ve also got a special Curiosity Box crammed with equipment and materials for experiments that bring Explorazone Digital into the physical world.

For the foodie, there’s gin, apple, chocolate and coffee tasting online (with recommended samples or choose your own) and there’s free dental kits (disclosing tablets and some dental hygiene tools) with Engineering a Great Smile.

Book your place at if-oxford.com or catch up with #IFOx2020 on twitter.com/oxford_ifinstagram.com/oxford_if and facebook.com/Oxford.IF.

Join from home and connect with science and ideas this October.

have your say: Emerging South Oxfordshire Local Plan Proposed Main Modifications Consultation

The consultation will run from 21 September until 2 November 2020

Find out more about this consultation and how to view the documents at:

If you know anyone who does not have access to the internet or is shielding and who may wish to take part in this consultation:
please contact us on 01235 422600 or email planning.policy@southoxon.gov.uk and our team will be happy to help.