Newsletter from the Education Department, Dorchester Abbey

Above: Mixed age R-KS2 artworks produced in an art workshop at one of the Angel themed school visits. Below are some extracts from an angel themed poetry workshop:

‘Angels, shining like the sun ‘Angel, angel make us happy
They like to help But not in darkness –
They fly around Angels bring light
But they do speak to me.’ To people in darkness’

‘Angels are like butterflies Angels are beautiful
That are swooping in the sky Wonderful, kind
Angels have big wings True hearts
To help them go down Love inside
To us and up high.’ Helpful and loving.’

‘Angels guide us ‘Angels are here to remind us of God
They are a light of hope They sing to Jesus
in darkness They like to praise him
Angels shine brightly’ Angels are happiness’


Angels in the Abbey, Advent and Epiphany

In the autumn term leading up to Christmas the Abbey welcomed images of a range of fantastic artworks with angels in them from the National Gallery and other galleries, which we hung in the Abbey. We also had a number of school visits, all of whom really enjoyed engaging with the Abbey space, the artworks and creatively responding to them. Children were able to write poems and create artworks, as well as recreate scenes from the artworks in a tableau (‘picture freeze’) grand finale in front of fellow classmates! Teachers loved the experience too, as these comments indicate:
‘Thank you for yesterday’s visit. All of the school really enjoyed it and the teachers have lots of information and inspiration for whole class work.’
‘Thank you so much for such a wonderful day!  The children were buzzing all the way back to school – I will be planning some follow on activities for the next couple of lessons.  Thank you for giving us such an inspirational (and aspirational!) start to our new Unit of learning in RE.’

Anglo-Saxon Experience Days

This time of the year, as usual, has proved very popular with schools booking our Anglo-Saxon Experience Days, we have had several bookings. They love the different monthly themed rituals the children can participate in, particularly February, which is Solmonth, or Month of the Cakes – eating the specially made honey oatcakes as part of the Anglo-Saxon gods ritual is always a big hit with the children and their teachers!

Roman Experience Day

For well over a year now we have been running our Roman Experience days, a natural development from our Anglo-Saxon Experience Days. We had another visit this term, but a rather chilly and damp one! This didn’t prevent the students from having a great time, eating the Roman bread, experiencing the Roman smells, making their curse tablets and focusing on the ‘Roman water shrine’! We are also now looking forward to more of our Roman Archaeological Experience Days linked to the local Discovering Dorchester dig in July. This summer will sadly see the last year of the dig here in Dorchester. We are hoping schools will take advantage of this fantastic opportunity and book their visit, as it will be the last time they will be able to do so!

Below: Our version of a ‘Roman water shrine’! Do you recognise it?


LIGHT: A Spiritual Journey, 20th October 2018 – 6th January 2019

Looking forward to the autumn term, we will be hosting a fabulous art, music and science linked exhibition on the theme of LIGHT: A Spiritual Journey. This will include a series of specially created individual ‘theatres of light’, created by the local artist Adrian Brooks, accompanied by commissioned music from a local composer and projected images from the Hubble Space Telescope. Adrian’s artworks will be made of resin and decorated with patterns referencing pilgrimage shrines and medieval art. We will be linking this to the Abbey’s pilgrimage history related to our Anglo-Saxon founding St. Birinus and our replica Birinus Shrine. Schools will have the opportunity to take part in literacy workshops on poetry, as well as a selection of RE, science, history and art workshops and be able to participate in the creation of their own theatre to take back to school to display to their whole school. Make your pilgrimage to Dorchester this autumn to see the exhibition in action!

Below: Adrian Brooks’ scale model of our Cloister Gallery, where his exhibition will be located. This gives you a slight taster of how he imagines the exhibition looking, with a large circular screen with projections from the Hubble Space Telescope seen at a slight distance as you enter the Gallery. His ‘theatres of light’ will be located at different locations in the gallery leading you on your pilgrimage towards the heavenly projections.


Dorchester Abbey Education

Margaret Craig, Education Officer. You can contact me via email on

Or call and speak to me about making a booking or further information on any of our educational visits 01865 343164 (Mondays and Tuesdays.

See our website for more details

Up the Street – Memories of Dorchester trades and businesses

Dorchester was, almost within living memory, largely self-sufficient in food and services. Many of the trades reflected the needs of the main occupation – agriculture – and tourism. Very few of these are now in business but the Historical Society is researching the archives for more information about those long-, and recently-, gone. We have so far identified over thirty!

There will be an illustrated talk on the subject on 26th September and, in the meantime, we would love to hear your memories of those shops, pubs and businesses. We know of some that you may not have heard of – for example, did you know that Dorchester once had its own fish and chip shop?

Please contact or if you have memories to share. Thank you.


Thames Valley Police

Thames Valley Police is appealing for witnesses following a burglary in Dorchester on Thames Oxfordshire

Between 07.03.18 (23:00) and 08.03.18 (06:00) a property in Samian Way was burgled. Entry was gained via a rear door.

Purses/ wallets and electronics have been stolen

If you have seen any suspicious looking vehicles or people in the area or have any information relating to this message, please call the police via the 24 hour non- emergency telephone number 101.

Alternatively, if you have any information but wish to remain anonymous, please call crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or online @ No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to court.

Potential post office mobile van to visit Dorchester

We have just been made aware of this potential post office van in the last few days.

Please note that this consultation process includes the introduction of a mobile post office service for Dorchester-on-Thames.

The period closes on 17th April and so there is time for it to appear in the April Dorchester News.


I’m pleased to let you know that we are proposing to restore Post Office services to the communities of Stadhampton and Stoke Row, with the introduction of a Mobile van service.

Since the closure of the above services we have continued to work to identify a solution to restore services to the local communities. We are therefore planning to introduce a Mobile service, which is a tried and tested way of maintaining service to smaller communities. The Mobile Service is a travelling Post Office aboard a specifically designed vehicle that brings Post Office services and retail products to communities without relying on fixed premises that has formed part of our operational network for some years now.

I am therefore pleased to inform you that the Postmaster from Warborough Post Office has been appointed to run the mobile van service in the above localities. The establishment of Mobile services presents the best possible solution to restore Post Office services to these communities.

In addition to restoring these services, we will also be reinstating services as a temporary Mobile service to Benson RAF, Checkendon, Dorchester on Thames, Nettlebed, Radley and Tetsworth while we continue to seek a permanent solution.

Why We Are Consulting

We would like you to tell us what you think about the suitability of the proposed new service.

Give Us Your Views


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