Update: Neighbourhood Development Plan 2017

After several years of work, and two rounds of public consultation, the next stage of the village Neighbourhood Development Plan starts on 15th September, with the final plan having been submitted to SODC for their consultation and onward passage to an independent Inspector.

The Plan and its supporting documents are available on the SODC website and also at https://www.dorchester-on-thames.co.uk/information/neighbourhood-planning/ A hard copy is available at The George in the High Street and also at the office of the Parish Clerk who can be contacted on 07745 311439 or parishclerk@dorchesteronthames.co.uk.

Oxford to Cambridge Expressway

One of the proposed routes (S4) linking the A34 to the proposed Expressway passes very close to Dorchester (please see map below).

An Action Group has been formed to campaign urgently against this proposal.


Dog Fouling in the Cemetery

The Parish Council has recently received some complaints about dog fouling in the Cemetery.  There is no objection to dogs being taken into the Cemetery but they should be kept on leads and any dog fouling that does take place should be cleared up immediately by the dog’s owner/companion. There are plenty of suitable receptacles and bio-degradable dog waste gloves are available from a dispenser by the Pavilion just across the road.

The Friends of the Fleur poll and Facebook page

You are likely already aware, but for those that are not yet, the Fleur will be going up for sale, and members of the village have an opportunity to buy it, as some manner of co-operative venture, should they desire.  After a meeting the other month, a working group has been put together, and out of it, things are progressing, and now it is time for you to start letting them know your thoughts on the matter.

The Poll

The first (and possibly most important thing at this point) is to fill out a small online survey.  This will let the group know your level of interest, whether you would like to invest, and how much you might like to be involved.  Ultimately, if not enough people fill out this form, we will unlikely be able to proceed much more, as there will not be deemed enough of a need.

If you are unable to fill out the form (or don’t want to do so via Facebook), then please speak to someone on the working group.  Alternatively you can submit a contact form on this website, and your details will be forwarded to someone on the group, or wait until a printed form is posted through village doors over the coming weeks.

Fill out the form here

The Facebook page

As you may have noticed, the survey is on the new ‘Friends of the Fleur’ Facebook page.  As such, please do like/follow/share this page to encourage as many others within the village to get involved as possible.

Visit the main Facebook page

The Website

There will also be a website about the Fleur, giving information on the campaign, and some history.  News on this will be posted onto the Friends Facebook page, and will also likely be posted on this website too.  So listen out for more information.

More information?

If you would like more information now, please look to page 9 in the September edition of the Dorchester News

The Autumn Flower Show, 2017

More than three hundred entries were a sure sign of your continuing support and the show went really well on the day. On behalf of the committee, thank you all for your hard work in preparing all those amazing exhibits, and thanks to all those who came along to see.

It is once again my pleasure to tell you that the judges were impressed by the continued high quality of the entries in our small but perfectly formed show.

A highlight this year was the first presentation of the Jenny Nudds Tomato Cup. Jenny presented the cup after retiring from the committee and she and Jerry Nudds each gave more than thirty years of service to the show. We owe them a lot, and their knowledge and experience will be much missed – thank you both. We now have Jenny’s cup and the Jerry Nudds plate for a Gentleman’s Fruitcake, so neither will be forgotten.

I would like to thank the committee members for all their hard work, i.e. for: schedule-agreeing, poster-making, poster-sticking, email-sending, plant-growing, plant-preparing, trophy-collecting, trophy-chasing, trophy-polishing, judge-booking, hall-booking, hall-preparing, banner-hanging, paperwork-doing, loads-more-paperwork-doing, prize-card stamping, email-sending, money-managing, float-preparing, tea-readying, raffle-prize-organising, entry-collecting, picking-up-scattered-small-change-off-Christina’s-doormatting, entrant-minding, judge-minding, result-running, prize-card-scribing, final-checking, tea-making, tea-selling, plant-selling, raffle-selling, door-guarding, prize-giving, non-winner-consoling, hall-clearing, hall-tidying, left-behind-entries-delivering, probably-quite-a-few-I-forgot(ing), and sorting the schedule for the next show.

Welcome to our new committee member John – he survived surprisingly well. And thank you to Dan Duke and Ian Brace for their publicity work.

The Spring Show will be on Saturday 7th April 2018 – we look forward to seeing you there.
David Wilkinson


Children’s classes

Make a paper hat

  • 1st Alistair Mucklow
  • 2nd Florence Townson
  • 3rd= Aemilia Fordova
  • 3rd=Charlotte Bristow

Adult Trophy Winners

  • Jenny Nudds Tomato Cup – best tomatoes. John Myres
  • Runner Bean Plate – best runner beans. Mike and Sue Kitson
  • Pat Cheese Potato Cup – best exhibit of potatoes. Charlotte Bennett
  • Vegetable Collection Plate – best collection of veg (Class 1). Donna Watkin
  • R Belcher Onion Cup – best onion exhibit. Charles Dickerson
  • Best Vegetable Award – best vegetable exhibit (not class 1). Charles Dickerson
  • Fruit Plate – best exhibit of fruit. Donna Watkin
  • Best Kept Allotment Tray – best allotment. Charlotte Bennett
  • Blackwell Photography Cup – best photo in show. Helen Russell
  • Jerry Nudds Fruit Cake Plate – Gents fruit cake. Howard Exton-Smith
  • Victoria Sandwich Award. Nick Foreman
  • Rose Plate – best rose in the show. Steph Forman
  • H C Smith Dahlia Cup – best exhibit of dahlias. Wendy Rapp
  • Floral Art Cup – best floral art exhibit. Donna Watkin
  • Britain in Bloom Cup – most points in flower classes. Alison Myres
  • Amey Rose Bowl – lady with most points in the show (other than flower classes). Donna Watkin
  • Amey Tankard – gentleman with most points in show. Charles Dickerson