Hurst Water Meadow Trust News

Meadow matters

Our thanks to Andrew Townsend for cutting the hay on the Hurst meadow again this year. It was cut on 26th August and baled on 29th, the cut having been delayed by wet weather earlier in the month. Andrew will use the hay for his livestock during the winter.

The later cut allowed flowers such as knapweed to set seed which was enjoyed by flocks (or charms) of goldfinch. Also, from late July onwards there were reports of barn owls hunting over the Hurst in the evenings.

Thank you to regular walkers in all three meadows for your diligence and help over dog mess and litter, especially picking up the odd wrapper or empty can that has been discarded. This is much appreciated.

Money matters

Having completed our annual accounts up to the end of March we are beginning to look ahead at how Brexit might affect us. Last year our total income was £13,700, of which £6,000 came from farming grants. Almost all the rest came from donations and associated tax credits. We spent a little over £12,000, of which £9,000 was for land maintenance (mainly tree surgery beyond the competence of our volunteers, and tractor mower running costs). Other significant costs included fees of £1,200 for preparing our new 10 year land maintenance plan, and £650 for our liability insurance.

The reality is that our total actual expenditure is dwarfed by the unaccounted value of the weekly work of our land management volunteers. This exceeds all our expenditure put together. They gain a real sense of personal ownership of the meadows, as well as good exercise and learning new skills. They meet on Tuesday mornings and some weekends. Contact Chris Smith to find out more about Tuesday sessions ( or Graham Beland about weekend sessions (

We have to plan that Brexit will mean lower farming grants, perhaps none, and we will become more dependent on donations. Small amounts from lots of people will go a long way to keep us solvent. If you might consider making a contribution to our work please contact me and I will be pleased to send you more information. Thank you.

Gillian Johnson (Hon. Secretary) on behalf of the Trustees
01865 340925 email:

Changes to DIY charging at Household Waste Recycling Centres

From Sunday 1 October 2017 the charges for the disposal of non-household waste are changing.  The existing DIY 1,2,3 for free scheme, which has been in place for 15 years, is being replaced by a small fixed fee per item.  Further details on the charges can be found online at

You will still be able to dispose of all household waste free of charge at any of the county’s Household Waste Recycling Centres.


Thames Valley Police

Rural crime alert (Subaru Legacy estate)

Please be vigilant for a silver coloured Subaru Legacy estate with number plate ending PFE. The vehicle has a noticeably loud sports exhaust.

The vehicle is believed to have been seen at the scene of some rural crime near the Watlington area over the weekend.

If the vehicle is seen please call 101 with details of its location and direction of travel.

Many Thanks

PCSO C6795 Ryan Dollery

Pre-School News – September 2017

The summer term ended on a high with a successful sports day (thankfully done in the dry of the village hall), and the graduation ceremony for children leaving Pre-School mostly as they start at their ‘big schools’ in September. It was lovely to see another cohort leave the Pre-School as confident and happy children having blossomed under the care of Helen Morris and her team. We wish them well as they move onto the next stage of their education, for some just a few steps across the playground at the primary school. I’m sure they will be popping back regularly to keep Pre-School up to date with what they’re are doing.

As this edition goes out, the new school year will have begun and there will be new faces starting their Pre-School journey. There are still places available, and working parents with children turning 3 this term will be eligible for up to 30hrs funding from the government from January. Please contact Helen at Pre-School for further information.

Louisa Margison,
Pre-School Committee Secretary