Website updates

Hello everyone, as you may have noticed, we are trying to improve the online presence of the village at the moment, and so I just wanted to give you an update on what we have managed to do so far.

The most recent addition being the updated events section. The plan is to keep this up to date with all new events as they come up, so please, if you have something happening, whether a garage sale, sports event, or full on festival, let us know, so we can get it online, and share the information, hopefully getting you some more fans to join you. This section, whilst having the main events section, has an events list on the homepage, and also a filtered list of ‘special events‘, which excludes the more regular events which happen in the village.

There is also a new news/events submission form on the events page which can be used to submit new content to both the website AND dorchester newsletter. So if you have anything, this is a new way to let us know.

Social media
We also now have live twitter and facebook accounts for you to follow and talk to us on. All news posts from the website will be appearing on these accounts, as well as being a place of conversation, and sharing anything else the community there might be interested in.

The future AND YOU
Whilst we have several ideas on making the website better, and more useful, to the local community, the best way we can do this is with your help. If you have any ideas, please let us know using the form below, and we will note it into our list of ideas.

Submit your thoughts on how to improve the website
[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Submission to the website ideas form’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/]
[contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/]
[contact-field label=’News/Event details’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

St George’s Day Parade: 24th April (High street closure)


On Sunday 24 April the Thames Chiltern District Scouts will be holding their St George’s Day Service in Dorchester Abbey. The parade will set off from the Recreation Ground at about 2.15pm accompanied by the Wantage Silver Band and will travel the length of the High Street to the Abbey. After the Service the parade will return along the High Street. We hope that you will enjoy seeing the parade and apologise for any inconvenience caused as the High Street will be closed to traffic during these periods. Scouting is very popular with young people in this area and we are expecting a good turn out. Thames Chiltern District covers most of South Oxfordshire.

“A Celebration of Community” – 11th/12th June

Get the date(s) in your diaries for “A Celebration of Community” to commemorate H.R.H. Queen Elizabeth II. There will hopefully be several special events on the way such as a fun sports day in the recreation ground.  Please get in touch with Claire Andersson if you would like the be involved, or have any ideas.
