Recent and Upcoming : July 2024

To try and help promote news and events within the village, and get the email bulletin sent on a monthly basis, we are going to trial publishing a monthly article which just lists recent posts, upcoming events, and any documents uploaded recently (eg. newsletter, parish council minutes).

If you have something you feel should have been on here, or would like in future posts, please do let us know using the contact page on the website.

You can also view the most recent content we use for this post at which updates automatically each day.

Some Upcoming Events

Special events


Full Calendar

School Newsletter : July 2024

As we approach the end of another school year I would like to say a huge thank you to the Dorchester community for the continued support for our wonderful little school. One of our outgoing Year Six children told a visitor ‘We are a small school with a big heart.’

The opportunities offered to us from our community are excellent and some highlights from this year have been the Opera in the Abbey, continued visits to forest school and the fun of the festival with Nick Cope.

We would also like to say a huge thank you to the Hurst Water Meadow Trust who have funded a specialist forest school teacher for us so all our children have had enjoyed regular afternoons out at Forest School this year.

We still have so much to look forward to and we are hoping the weather improves for our upcoming sports day and our summer fete.

Our older children are preparing for their residential trip to Woodlands and are very much looking forward to their week of adventures; climbing, canoeing, caving and making lots of new friends.

We also have trips out to Beale Park and the Ashmolean Museum to look forward to.

Please do take some time to visit ‘Birinox’; the Ox we decorated for the Sobell House Oxtrail over summer. You will find him in Pettits Menswear in Wallingford.

We are really proud of everything being achieved in our school and we would love to welcome you for a tour on the morning of 14th November if you are looking for a school place in September 2025.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming our new children into our Reception Class in September.

We would also like to wish our Year Six children all the very best as they transition into secondary school in September. We know they are going to do us proud.

We hope everyone has a wonderful summer.

We run a breakfast club and an after-school club. We have places available and if you would like to see what we could offer your child please give us a call to arrange a tour. You can find out more from our website here:

Jo Staples

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Recent and Upcoming : June 2024

To try and help promote news and events within the village, and get the email bulletin sent on a monthly basis, we are going to trial publishing a monthly article which just lists recent posts, upcoming events, and any documents uploaded recently (eg. newsletter, parish council minutes).

If you have something you feel should have been on here, or would like in future posts, please do let us know using the contact page on the website.

You can also view the most recent content we use for this post at which updates automatically each day.

Some Upcoming Events

Special events


Full Calendar

School Newsletter : May 2024

We love being a part of this community and we would like to thank the Dorchester Festival organisers for the wonderful opportunities offered to our school as part of the festival this year. Our Year 3,4 and 5 children absolutely loved taking part in the opera. They made friends from other local schools and were able to sing alongside professional opera singers. They really nailed their Friday afternoon performance and I felt both moved and incredibly proud as I watched our children shine their lights.

We were also able to share the joy with many others as our younger children joined Nick Cope on stage at the end of his show to sing the last couple of songs with him. Once again I felt immense pride as I watched our children take to the stage to perform in front of a packed Abbey.

Recently our children have taken the opportunity to visit Bishop’s Court Farm to see the lambs and other animals and Willow Class took part in a geography field trip to the rec where they created beautiful journey sticks and learned more about our local area.

Our Year 5 and 6 children are looking forward to their residential trip to Woodlands and we are sure they will have lots of amazing stories to tell and memories to cherish.

We have spaces in school and you are welcome to come and visit us to see what we can offer your child. You can find out more from our website here:

Jo Staples

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