School News – April 2020

It seems very strange to write this as I sit with the five children that are still coming to school during these challenging times. Who would have thought this would have been the case as we started the academic year in September.

Another reason that this time feels strange, is that this will be the start of my final term here at Dorchester, St Birinus – however with the lockdown in place, I may have had my final assembly in school in March – which was a surreal moment and not really how I thought my final term would go after over nine years at the helm.

As this may be my final contribution to the Dorchester News, unless we are allowed back to school before the end of the school year, I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone that has supported the school from the village throughout my time here, it has always been most appreciated and welcome. A particular thank you to DADs, who have welcomed me into their productions as the pianist – this association started within about two weeks of being in post as someone found out that I played the piano and I have loved every moment.

Thank you to the governors, who have supported me and the school in all our various challenges and successes – with special mention to the chairs and vice-chairs who took on an amazing responsibility. To the parents, whether on the PTA or just being part of our brilliant school community – thank you for your patience and willingness to work with us.

My special thanks goes to my amazing team of staff, who help to make my life easier and provide great experiences for the children in their care – it has been a pleasure to work with them. And finally, all the children over the last nine years – I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you, being a part of your formative years and sharing your successes and challenges. I am always thrilled to hear of your adventures as some of you now are at the A level stage of education.

So in September, I move on to be the Headteacher of Ducklington Primary School, I am looking forward to this new challenge but will miss the excitement here, but maybe not the gritting of the playground. Hopefully there will be an opportunity to say goodbye properly, but will have to see! As you read this, the news regarding the lockdown maybe different.

I can tell you that the governors managed to appoint a new Headteacher on the last day before the lockdown started.- we shall look forward to finding out who this is in due course.

Keep safe and thank you.

Russell Leigh

Grant received for work on the Hurst

We are delighted to have received a grant of just under £10,000 to carry out work to improve some of the water retaining features in the Hurst meadow.

For several years the water table and the sub-soil movement of ground water, as well as the historical management of Hurst wetland, has been of particular interest to trustee Shammy Puri, who is a hydro-geologist. A hydrological study by a graduate for an MSc thesis in 2016 indicated that if the present scrapes and ditches were to be extended, so that they retained water for longer in summer, there would be benefits to the biodiversity of flora and fauna, especially of invertebrates.

This has been a long-term vision of the Trust but was brought forward when, unexpectedly, we were invited to apply for grant aid by FCC Community Action Fund. FCC Communities Foundation awards grants to community projects from funds donated through the Landfill Communities Fund. This all sounds a bit complicated but, essentially, we were invited to apply because the Trust is a charity managing an environmental facility on behalf of the community, open to all and situated within 10 miles of a landfill site. Our proposal and costing estimates were submitted on 14 February and we were informed in March that we had been successful.

There is much work ahead to obtain all necessary permissions for the project, which we were anticipating could proceed during the summer. However, the present Covid19 situation may result in inevitable delays.

Our plan is to excavate two more scrapes: a new scrape in the meadow where there is a natural damp depression, close to the existing scrape where the wildflowers proliferate (see photo) and a further, elongated scrape, within the head of the main tree-lined ditch that runs parallel to the river Thame. This latter scrape would be linked to the river by an underground culvert and would allow us to build up the footpath where it often becomes flooded and inaccessible in winter. Sections of the main ditch would also be deepened and bunds created to improve water retention.

We will publish further information as we proceed with this project.

In the meantime, preparations for the excavation of the two River of Life wetland sites in Old Bridge Meadow and Overy Mead Piece continue. Now that the floods have receded you can see that many of the willows on these sites have been hard pollarded. They will rapidly regenerate and no longer look so naked. Where heavy machinery will be working, when work starts later in the summer, we are having to keep vegetation very short to deter small mammals and invertebrates from nesting there

Gillian Johnson, Hon. Secretary Richard Farrant, Chairman

Dorchester on Thames Village Hall 200 Club Prize Draw

Congratulations to the winners of the March draw.

  • 1st Prize £75 No. 61 Mrs S Jupp
  • 2nd Prize £45 No. 107 Mrs P Kruczko
  • 3rd Prize £25 No. 172 Miss K Fisher

The next draw will be in June, so join now for a chance to win!

The 200 Club is a quarterly prize draw to reward supporters and raise funds for the village hall. We need new members to keep the draw worthwhile but there are good odds of winning as there is a maximum of 200 tickets in the draw. A ticket for the year (4 draws from when you join) only costs £12. To join, contact Elaine Moore on 340441 or email for a form. You can pay by cash, cheque or standing order.

Thank you for your support and good luck!


Annual Parish Meeting – Postponed

The Annual Parish Meeting due to be held next Wednesday 8th April has been postponed due to the current regulations about meetings.

The Parish Council meeting due on the same night will probably go ahead using Zoom or similar. We’re going to have a practice!

Best regards,