Good news! Baxter returns home

For those that hadn’t heard on the grapevine, Baxter (a french Bulldog) was found recently near Bridge End, and there was trouble contacting the owners.  Well, to start the Bank Holiday on a high, we can announce that the owners have been found, and Baxter is now at home where he belongs (hopefully relaxing with a bone).

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Official Opening of Overy Mead Piece this Thursday

Don’t forget, this Thursday lunchtime is the ‘Official Opening of Overy Mead Piece

Our new meadow at Overy Mead Piece (downstream from Dorchester Bridge) will be officially opened on Thursday 21 April at 2.30 pm by Graham Scholey, Conservation Technical Specialist at the Environment Agency. All are welcome and if you don’t often walk in the meadows this could be an opportunity to see what the Trust is doing on the newly acquired land. There will be parking in the field car park at the bridge (opposite Overy Lane) for those who are unable to walk from the village and those coming from afar.

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St George’s Day Parade: 24th April (High street closure)


On Sunday 24 April the Thames Chiltern District Scouts will be holding their St George’s Day Service in Dorchester Abbey. The parade will set off from the Recreation Ground at about 2.15pm accompanied by the Wantage Silver Band and will travel the length of the High Street to the Abbey. After the Service the parade will return along the High Street. We hope that you will enjoy seeing the parade and apologise for any inconvenience caused as the High Street will be closed to traffic during these periods. Scouting is very popular with young people in this area and we are expecting a good turn out. Thames Chiltern District covers most of South Oxfordshire.

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