Free firewood @ Hurst Water Meadow

I am not sure if this is still available, let me know if it is gone, but always good to recycle/reuse and share within the community.

Timber which has been removed from our meadows is stacked in the car parking area adjacent to Old Bridge Meadow at Dorchester Bridge.  Large logs need to be sawn and split; the wood is still green, and much of it is willow.  Anyone who can use the wood may help themselves.  If you need vehicular access please contact Andrew Clements.

Excerpt from the March Dorchester News

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Dorchester on Thames Historical Society talk (Wed 23rd March)

What: “Children’s Experiences of the second world war in Oxfordshire” by Liz Woolley

When: Wednesday 23rd March 2015 @ 7.30px

Where: Dorchester Village Hall (back room)

Liz Woolley is a local historian specialising in aspects of the history of Oxfordshire and Oxford.

She has been a ergular speaker for the Society and her talks are not only enjoyable but informative.

Visitors and new members are always very welcome to our talks and outings.

(excerpt written by Gail Thomas Chairman, taken from the March edition of the Dorchester News)

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Parish Council Agenda: March 2016

Dorchester-on-Thames Parish Council

Clerk to the Council: Mr Geoffrey Russell

5-7 High Street, Dorchester-on-Thames, Oxfordshire OX10 7HH

Telephone: 01865 340759 e-mail

The Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Wednesday 9 th March 2016 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30 p.m.

4th March 2016

Clerk to the Council


  1. Apologies for Absence & Chairman’s Opening Remarks
  2. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests for this meeting
  3. Public Participation
  4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 17 th February 2016
  5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
  6. Parish Council Vacancy
  7. County and District Councillors’ Report
  8. Finance:
    Bank balances & payments for approval
  9. Correspondence, Reports and Other Business:
    1. Sports Club, Recreation Ground & Playground;
      Including reviewing plans for extension and refurbishment of the pavilion
    2. Footpaths;
    3. Cemetery /Closed Abbey Churchyard;
      Including soil removal, planting and fencing in cemetery; and mole control generally.
    4. Allotments;
    5. Letters to Chairman and Clerk
  10. Planning Applications
    P16/S0485/HH No. 1 & No. 2 Chequers Court Bridge End
    Proposed single storey rear extensions to Nos.1 and 2 and single storey side car port to No. 2
    P16/S0372/HH 10 Tenpenny; Proposed single and two storey extensions and alterations to
    form improved accommodation. Including provision of 2 no on-site parking spaces.
  11. Neighbourhood Development Planning Group – to receive report
  12. Arrangements for documents stored in the Parish Chest and the Chest itself
  13. Village response to traffic speed article in Dorchester News
  14. Celebrations to mark the 90 th Birthday of H.M. The Queen
  15. Purchase and storage of Emergency equipment
  16. Land Registration
  17. Village Hall developments and improvements
  18. Future of village bus services; to comment on draft survey
  19. Annual Parish Meeting
  20. Any Other Business

Next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 13th April 2016

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Tennis Club Spring Tournament

Brush the dust off those rackets and come and join us for the first village tennis tournament of the year.  This takes place on Sunday 10th April, starting at 2pm. For further details contact Chris Smith

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