Dorchester St. Birinus Primary School – March News

As the spring term whizzes by, we continue to be proud of everything our children are achieving here in school. There has been so much going on. Our younger children have visited the Science department at Abingdon School where they took part in some exciting space workshops.
We took some of our older children into the Abbey to watch a brass band play and find out all about the different instruments.
We continue to send two groups out to Forest School every week and the children have experienced lighting fires and making and eating stick dough to try and stay warm!
We also celebrated World Book Day by sharing one book across the whole school. Each class completed work based on a beautiful story called ‘The Missing Piece’ written by Jordan Stephens and illustrated by Beth Suzanna. There is a colourful display in the corridor to celebrate some of the work inspired by the book.

As the weather improves we have much to look forward to as we have trips out planned to the Mosque in Oxford, the Living Rainforest and the lambing at Bishops Court Farm.
We would like to say a huge thank you to anyone who has already bought books for our school from our Amazon wish list. We are enjoying using the books to help us increase our knowledge and understanding of the world. We really appreciate your kindness. If you would like to buy a book for school our wish list can be found at:

We run a breakfast club and an after-school club in addition to extra- curricular clubs such as a stories club, a science club, board games and gym. We have places available and if you would like to see what we could offer your child please give us a call to arrange a tour. You can find out more from our website here:

Jo Staples

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