From the Chairman of the Parish Council

I write this at the end of a week where we not only have a new
Prime Minister but also a new head of state and Sovereign.
The enormity of these events, especially the death of our
Queen, makes normal parish issues seem to pale into
insignificance. But life goes on and we have to look forwards.

One item on the Parish Council’s to-do list is making
improvements to the play area and Cllr Ballantyne is making
progress on that front. We have in the past been asked why
we can’t have a play area as grand as Benson’s or
Warborough’s; two key reasons are that grant funding
radically changed during Covid and this parish is in the green
belt so doesn’t benefit from CIL (the levy placed on new
housing developments) to the extent that other parishes have.
But we will do our best and, of course, public contributions are
always welcome!

Speaking of housing developments, I have had some emails
expressing concerns about the Housing Needs Survey that
accompanied last month’s Dorchester News as it seemed to
some that the PC was supporting Bishops Court Farm’s
proposed development along the start of Abingdon Road. We
need a survey as part of the review of the Neighbourhood
Plan, otherwise we would be criticised by the Planning
Inspectorate, and as it is being managed by the same
reputable third party which the council used in its own survey
in 2018, the Council was happy to cooperate. At this point in
time, no formal application has been submitted for a social
housing development, so the Council does not have a formal
view. Informally, we have made it clear to Bishops Court Farm
several times over the past eighteen months that the Council
believes that the existing permissions for new housing at
Allen’s Pit are sufficient.

Change is inevitable, we don’t live in a museum village, but
judging the right balance for the village as a whole is difficult,
especially as views on how the village moves forward vary
considerably, and the diversity of views is reflected in the
Parish Council itself. I therefore welcome your emails so that I
can get a feel for the strength of those views and also, on
occasion, correct some misconceptions.

Mark Williams
Chairman DoT Parish Council

Posted in Events in and around Dorchester.