News: The fence along Days Lock has been moved back to address health & safety concerns

Good news! Following fruitful discussions between the Parish Council and Andrew Reid, the owner of Bishops Court Farm, a section of the fence along Days Lock has been moved back to address health & safety concerns that had been raised in that area. Furthermore, the next section will be moved back from the river bank by more than we originally requested, to allow for future bank erosion, portage and access to the village for those mooring boats further up river. This line of this section will be the subject of consultation with interested parties. We would like to take this opportunity to recognise that this is not the only area that Mr Reid has allowed as an enhancement to the official rights of way. We thank Mr Reid for providing the land to widen the footpath, a generous gesture to the community. Amicable talks on other related issues continue.

Posted in News and Articles, Rights of Way.