Parish Council Meeting – 10th March 2021

The agenda for the upcoming Parish council meeting has been uploaded to the site.  Details for joining remotely are also available on the page.

Council Agendas

AGENDA (please note that all timings are approximate)

1. Chairman’s opening remarks and apologies for absence

2. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

3. Public Participation

(including Village School IT equipment & River of Life Project)

4. Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th February 2021

5. Matters Arising from the Minutes

8.00 6. Planning Application:

P21/S0405/FUL 37 Martins Lane

Demolition of existing bungalow and detached garage. Construction of a replacement two storey dwelling with associated external works.

Allens Pit Development

8.15 7. County Councillor’s Report

8. District Councillor’s Report

9. Council’s Four-Year Vision

a. Village Hall update

b. Sports Pavilion Update

c. Play Area Update

8.45 10. Finance: Bank Balances & Payments

11. Correspondence with Chairman and/or Clerk

12 Rights of Way

13 Asset Register and Risk Management

14. Village Maintenance

9.15 15. Routine Reports:

Sports Pavilion, Recreation Ground & Playground; b. Footpaths including measures to reduce dog fouling; c. Cemetery/Closed Churchyard; d Allotments

16 Any Other Urgent Matters

Any resident who wishes to raise any matter of concern is welcome to do so at the start of the meeting. Please contact the Clerk no later than 3 p.m. on the afternoon of the meeting so that the necessary access arrangements can be made.

Posted in Events in and around Dorchester.