Oxfordshire Libraries: Digital update

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Go to www.libcat.oxfordshire.gov.uk and click ‘Join the Library’ and fill in your details.

We will email your account access details back to you within 1-2 working days

eBooks and eAudio


Choose from a great range of fiction and non-fiction reading for adults and children. We are investing in more titles in response to the current situation. Download the Libby or Borrowbox apps.

eMagazines and eNews


Pressreader and RBdigital magazines provide thousands of UK and international titles of leisure reading or current affairs for you to read online or download. Time to garden, get creative or find out what’s going on around the world through curated news content.

Digital learning and study resources


Britannica Online, dictionaries and reference books provide high quality homework support and resources for personal study



relax and enjoy the best of recordings streamed through Naxos Music Library. Over 60,000 albums to choose from.

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  • Oxonlibraries

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Download the Oxfordshire Libraries app to your tablet or phone from your app store.

Lots of our digital services have their own apps, too such as Libby for Overdrive eBooks, Borrowbox, Pressreader, RBdigital Magazines and Naxos Music Library.


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Posted in Events in and around Dorchester.