School Newsletter : October 2023

We have enjoyed a really positive start to our school year here.

All our children are working hard and learning lots. As we move towards Christmas we have lots of exciting things planned such as a visit to the panto and lots of Christmas singing.

We are really looking forward to supporting the HfT’s Christmas celebration in the Abbey where we will be singing.

Our forest school provision continues to be funded by the Hurst Water Meadow Trust. Our children really value the opportunity to learn outdoors; getting muddy and having lots of fun with our specialised forest school teacher.

The lovely folk at Wallingford Book Shop are curating a wish list for our school. If you would like to purchase a book from our list as a donation we would be very grateful and the shop will give a discount. Just pop in and tell them you would like to buy a book from our list and they will show you what’s available. Many thanks. This is in addition to our Amazon list that can be found here:

If you would like to come and see what we can offer your child, have a tour and meet the staff and governors then please come to our open morning on Thursday 9th November. There is no need to book: just turn up any time between 9.30am and 11.30am.

We would love to see you.

We run a breakfast club and an after-school club in addition to extra-curricular clubs such as a stories club, a science club, board games and hockey.

You can find out more from our website here:

Jo Staples

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