South News update: another look at housing sites

This article was received this week by South and Vale, and so we wanted to re-post for those that had not yet seen it.

Another look at housing sites

We have decided to take another look at the sites available in South Oxfordshire for major housing development as part of the process to finalise our Local Plan.

We will do this as long as the extra time it will take does not significantly impact on a countywide deal we and other councils have made with the government to bring extra money to support housing growth and infrastructure, such as roads, in Oxfordshire.

We are looking at 15 sites and will be filtering these as part of the review process:

  • current proposed sites: Culham, Wheatley, Berinsfield and Chalgrove Airfield
  • previously considered (but not progressed) sites: Thornhill, Wick Farm, Lower Elsfield, Grenoble Road, Northfields, Harrington and land at Great Western Park
  • additional sites submitted by developers: land at Emmer Green, Reading, Reading Golf Club, Playhatch at Reading, land off Thame Road, North Weston.

We are in discussion with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government about the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal. If it becomes apparent that there will be a significant impact on the Deal, we will retain Chalgrove Airfield in the Local Plan and add a reserve site or sites.

Find out more about the review and see our website for further details about the Local Plan. See the Oxfordshire Growth Board website for information about the Housing and Growth Deal.

Councillors update

Cllr Jane Murphy is the new Leader of our council and Cllr Felix Bloomfield is her Deputy. The Council’s new Chairman is Cllr Lorraine Hillier and Deputy Chairman is Alan Thompson. The Council’s Cabinet consists of:

  • Development and Regeneration – Cllr Paul Harrison
  • Housing and Environment – Cllr Caroline Newton
  • Community Services – Cllr Lynn Lloyd
  • Deputy Leader and Planning – Cllr Felix Bloomfield
  • Corporate Services – Cllr Kevin Bulmer
  • Leader and Communications – Cllr Jane Murphy
  • Finance – Cllr David Dodds
  • Legal and Democratic Services – Cllr Anna Badcock
  • Partnership and Insight – Cllr Bill Service

Further information about councillors is available on our website.

Developer funding on its way to parishes

We are giving developer funding to parishes to help pay for projects such as new parks and leisure facilities that support local housing growth.

We have collected the funding through the Community Infrastructure Levy and details of the latest parishes to receive payments are here.

For more information see our website.

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Posted in Events in and around Dorchester.