Lockdown Limericks

First, apologies that this post has taken so long to get out, I am sure it is old news to a lot of you, but I felt it may still be of interest to some.

While out exercising, or walking your dog you will come across some yellow and red A4 posters dotted around the Village titled “Lockdown Limericks”. Composed by our own villagers they are reflections on the strange times we’re living through – the Corona Virus Pandemic of 2020. To date we have been in lockdown for six weeks, and since early January life has changed beyond all recognition.

Limericks are brief, witty, memorable and familiar verses, providing one ideal format for recording and reminding us of our community experience of the pandemic.

Far from being trite, some of the limericks express our shared sadness of loss:

There has been a tragedy here.
Of a Thursday, she’s come out to cheer.
Now all that is left
Is a family bereft.
Cold coffee, and vaporised tears.

Others share our frustration with the Government’s response:

For this I make no apology
Our leaders are not what they ought to be.
They blag all the time
About taxes and crime
But they’re stumped on epidemiology

Many express our gratitude to the NHS and Careworkers:

So here’s to the critical workers
The dustmen and medic researchers.
I’ve written these verses
In praise of the nurses
And all who are there to support us.

Of course the creeping boredom of lockdown:

The lockdown has got me quite floored
I’ve read all the books that I stored.
And even at stages
I’ve read Yellow Pages
Do you think I’m a tiny bit bored?

There are 24 Lockdown Limericks and together they cover many aspects of our shared experience: admiration for Captain Tom, appreciation of the COOP, the scarcity of loo paper and pasta, the closure of our Village pubs, the disappearance of cold calls, putting on weight and much, much more.

Thank you to every villager who has contributed a verse. This time next year, and in five and ten years time we will recall this Great Pandemic in many different ways. Hopefully these limericks will help remind us of our shared experience, with a smile.

Adrian Brooks

A full list of Limericks can be found at on our main Lockdown Limericks page


Local businesses that can deliver to DoT during the current covid-19 pandemic

During this very strange period, some of us are being told to stay at home at all times, and we are all  being advised to stay in  as much as possible,  limit contact with other people  and keep our distance.

And as a consequence of the  lockdown and restrictions, while Amazon, Ocado and the like will be fine, many small and local businesses are really suffering.

Putting these things together,  we have compiled a list of local businesses that will deliver to Dorchester on Thames. Thanks to many people on the Dorchester Facebook page for suggestions and recommendations, which contributed to this list.

Local business that will deliver during covid

We would love to have comments and ideas for additions or improvements the list – please use  the contact form on the village website or email:  website@dorchesteronthames.co.uk

This list is compiled by volunteers, and  not by the Parish Council or other official body/entity.

Social distancing – Footpath to Day’s Lock

There is now a one-way system which should avoid having to meet people coming the other way on the narrow path between hedges heading down towards Day’s Lock and the Poohsticks footbridge.
Going towards the river. the path is diverted left down a farm track and then right round the edge of a field. It is signposted.
Coming back, use the original path.
‘Social distancing’ can be difficult on this path. Hopefully this will help.
Many thanks to the new owners of Bishop’s Court Farm for permitting this very helpful adjustment!


Image may contain: sky and outdoor

New clinics to support patients with coronavirus

New COVID-19 clinics to support patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 are now open across Oxfordshire. A home visiting service will also become available soon for people suffering from coronavirus who are deemed suitable for this and need support in their own home. This service is supported by GPs and community staff from Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust (OHFT).

The clinics and home visiting service will bring together clinicians and resources to support patients with coronavirus in the community.

Appointments for the clinics and support are arranged over the telephone either via the patient’s GP practice or via NHS111. The clinics are only for patients with a pre-arranged appointment; they are not a walk in facility.

Precautions are being taken in each clinic to reduce the risk of spreading the infection. This is to protect patients, staff and the general public.

Clinics are being set up in a number of  places locally, including Wallingford, Didcot, Abingdon and East Oxford

Dedicated hotline to support diabetes care

A dedicated hotline has been set up by healthcare partners to help people with diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Designed for patients who need urgent clinical advice, it is hoped that the hotline will give reassurance to patients who are concerned about their diabetic health during COVID-19, and also ultimately help prevent admission to hospital.

The patient hotline number is 01865 857357, and is available seven days a week from 8am until 4pm.

Patients can also email dsnop.ocdem@nhs.net   If patients have a query out of hours, they can call 0300 3047777.