School News – April 2020

It seems very strange to write this as I sit with the five children that are still coming to school during these challenging times. Who would have thought this would have been the case as we started the academic year in September.

Another reason that this time feels strange, is that this will be the start of my final term here at Dorchester, St Birinus – however with the lockdown in place, I may have had my final assembly in school in March – which was a surreal moment and not really how I thought my final term would go after over nine years at the helm.

As this may be my final contribution to the Dorchester News, unless we are allowed back to school before the end of the school year, I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone that has supported the school from the village throughout my time here, it has always been most appreciated and welcome. A particular thank you to DADs, who have welcomed me into their productions as the pianist – this association started within about two weeks of being in post as someone found out that I played the piano and I have loved every moment.

Thank you to the governors, who have supported me and the school in all our various challenges and successes – with special mention to the chairs and vice-chairs who took on an amazing responsibility. To the parents, whether on the PTA or just being part of our brilliant school community – thank you for your patience and willingness to work with us.

My special thanks goes to my amazing team of staff, who help to make my life easier and provide great experiences for the children in their care – it has been a pleasure to work with them. And finally, all the children over the last nine years – I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you, being a part of your formative years and sharing your successes and challenges. I am always thrilled to hear of your adventures as some of you now are at the A level stage of education.

So in September, I move on to be the Headteacher of Ducklington Primary School, I am looking forward to this new challenge but will miss the excitement here, but maybe not the gritting of the playground. Hopefully there will be an opportunity to say goodbye properly, but will have to see! As you read this, the news regarding the lockdown maybe different.

I can tell you that the governors managed to appoint a new Headteacher on the last day before the lockdown started.- we shall look forward to finding out who this is in due course.

Keep safe and thank you.

Russell Leigh