Warborough & Shillingford WI – August 2021


It has been a delight to meet up with people for real in July – we had lots of catching up to do!

On the 3rd July a team from the WI and Lunch Club provided Tea&Cake for Bloomin’ Marvellous Open Gardens to raise funds for the restoration of St Laurence Church. We were in Tim and Sarah Martins beautiful barn right in the centre of the village on the Green and the weather was kind.

On the 14th July we had our ‘delayed from 2020’ afternoon visit to Bach Flower Remedy gardens and café, Brightwell cum Sotwell. A fascinating 20 min film gave us the history of Dr Bach and his search for flower remedies; the house museum contains many of his and his assistants note books and equipment; and the garden is full of the plants whose flowers he discovered were therapeutic. Nora’s Café is a gem. Check the website for opening times. www.bachcentre.com

Another postponed visit from 2020 was to Broughton Castle and gardens on 28th July when WI and Mowers and Growers joined forces and 40 villagers enjoyed an early evening tour of the moated and castellated historic house and garden. The view from the roof over the moat, walled gardens and parkland was dramatic under glowering skies but there was enough sun for a rainbow. www.broughtoncastle.com

In August the members are going to celebrate all their Covid birthdays with a Birthday Tea Party on the Green

In September we will be back on Zoom for a Live Streamed tour of Cambridge – a first for us. We will report back.

The Walking Group is having a short break over August whilst we all catch up with old friends and family but will be back in September.

W&S WI Centenary 2022. Plans are underway.

Community projects are progressing well.

Membership is rising with 5 new members this summer so far. Welcome everyone and a huge thank you to all of you who have stuck with us through the Covid year.

Dorchester residents There are already 7 Dorchester residents and we would love more of you to join us! And lifts are available. Please call Ann Wells a Dorchester resident on 01865 341 246 if you would like more information.

Warborough and Shillingford residents we would love you to join us.

Pat Norman, Secretary, pnorman87@btinternet.com

Book Group

Red Notice by Bill Browder was very popular and despite us having to resort to Zoom when it was too wet to meet on The Green, it generated a huge amount of discussion about 21st Century Russia.

A Single Thread by Tracy Chevalier was lighter and a quick read centred on Winchester and the broderers who embroidered kneelers and cushions for the cathedral but explored the ‘left over’ women in the period between the wars and how they began to change attitudes to women in the 20th Century.

  • Thirteen by Steve Cavanagh
  • Darling by Rachel Edwards
  • The Sealwoman’s Gift by Sally Magnusson
  • The Ginger Tree by Oswold Wynn
  • Christmas – Desert Island Books
  • The Moth and the Mountain by Ed Caesar