Thames Valley Alert: Shed and garage security advice

We have received an increase in reports of sheds and garages being broken into recently. Please review your security and read the follow advice to reduce the chances of being a victim of this type of crime.

Opportunist thieves identify sheds and garages as easy pickings because they are usually fairly unprotected and lack basic security measures. The buildings often contain property that can be sold on or implements that can be used to force entry into the owner’s home. Many people fall short on basic security of their sheds and garages.

  • Keep your shed/garage in good condition.
  • Fit a closed shackle padlock to the door.
  • Fittings should be bolted through the door and any screws concealed.
  • It is easy to unscrew the ironmongery, steal contents and in some cases replace the screws to make it look as if the shed has not been tampered with.
  • By using tamper proof screws or coach bolts, together with a good quality pad bar or hasp and staple and close shackled padlock, the shed owner will make it harder for the would-be thief.
  • Bond any window glass in with mastic to prevent easy removal. Fit grilles or mesh to windows to slow down the thief.
  • Ensure all equipment and tools are locked away when not in use.
  • Install a shed/garage alarm.
  • Post-code or mark all property such as lawnmowers, bikes, and tools using ultraviolet pens, forensic marking such as Selecta DNA, Smartwater or engravers.
  • Install security lighting as a deterrent, and plants such as thorny shrubs to act as a barrier at potential access points.
  • If building a shed, put it where it is most visible to you and neighbours.
  • Ensure ladders are locked to a secure fixture in the shed or garage so they can’t be used to reach top floor windows.
  • Chain large items such as bicycles together, making it much more difficult for a thief to carry away.
  • Fit a wire cage inside a shed where more expensive items can be locked away.
  • No thief wants to hang about longer than they have to so delay the time it will take them to get their hands on your tools

If you would like any further advice or information please call us via the 24 hour non-emergency telephone number 101 or visit

Posted in Thames Valley Alert.