Work to take place on the Hurst

In the May 2020 edition of Dorchester News we wrote about a proposal to improve some of the water retaining features in the Hurst meadow. The work had been planned for last summer but Covid19 restrictions intervened. We were able to carry over into 2021 the grant which we had received for this project, so we plan to go ahead in July or August this year. We have received the necessary permissions for the work from the Environment Agency and from SODC.

For approximately a week a contractor will be excavating a new scrape in an existing depression close to the present scrape, and will be deepening sections of the channel which runs through the meadow parallel to the river Thame (see diagram). During this time, and for a period following the completion of work, there will be restricted access along the mown permissive paths beside the river Thame and the Hurst channel. Initially this will be to ensure safety of the public while machinery is working, and then to allow the soil and vegetation to settle following the work. Barrier tape and signs will be erected to guide walkers, and trustees will be on site monitoring the work of the contractor.

The public footpath across the Hurst, from the main gate to the stile at Overy, will remain open.

We are confident that Dorchester residents will be understanding about the minor restrictions and will be helpful and compliant in keeping themselves and their dogs safely away from the contractor’s machinery. If anyone has any concerns, particularly when work is in progress, please contact the Secretary of the Trust (details below).



Work on Old Bridge Meadow and Ovey Mead Piece

Also, starting in late July, the Earth Trust will be undertaking excavation work to enhance the wetland habitat on our other two meadows. The Earth Trust will be responsible for further notifications about this and for managing the work on site. All the costs of this work are being met by the Earth Trust which has received grant funding. The part played by the Hurst Water Meadow Trust has been to agree to this work occurring on the land that we look after on behalf of the community. Further information can be found on the website

During the period of work on all the projects every effort will be made to minimise inconvenience to walkers and residents.

Gillian Johnson, Hon Secretary
01865 340925

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Posted in Events in and around Dorchester.